Reflow Oven
Used in the the electronic boards manufacturing industry, household appliances manufacturing industry, radio and television producing industry, industry of producing LED lamps for automotive, military, lighting, etc.
SMT Pick and Place Machine (PAP)
Assembling parts in the electronic boards manufacturing industry, household appliances manufacturing industry, radio and television producing industry, industry of producing LED lamps for automotive industry, military, lighting, etc.
- Medicine & Health
- Power & Control Engineering
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Telecommunications
- Construction Industry
- Industrial Machinery
- Mining Industry
- Software & Information Technology
- Laboratory Equipment
- Game & Animation
- Polymers and Composites
- Metals and Ceramics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics
- Chemicals
- Food Industry
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Medical Equipment
- Electronics