A Research Inverter Connected to the Grid with the Ability to Extract Maximum Power from a Solar Panel or Wind Turbine
* Researches on types of electronic power structures and control methods of solar inverters connected to the grid and isolated with the ability to extract maximum MPPT power.
* Researches on types of electronic power structures and control methods of wind turbine-based inverters (generators), connected to the grid (or isolated) with the ability to extract maximum MPPT power.
* Researches on various types of electronic power structures and control methods of three-phase and multi-phase electric machines
Acidic Aqueous TiO2 Sol
* Solar cell research laboratories
* Used on self-cleaning surfaces
Anti-Reflective Solar Cell Coating with High Efficiency
In power plants and more use of photovoltaic cells
Crystalline TiO2 Sol in Ethanol
* Solar cell research laboratories
* Used on self-cleaning surfaces
High Performance Eectrolyte
Solar cell research laboratories
Luminescent Solar Concentrator Module Using Bifacial Photovoltaic Cells
Converting sunlight into electrical energy
Nanostructured Solar Cells Making and Characterization Set
* Taking a spectrum of materials
* Characterization of nanostructures
* Examining the spectrum of light sources and the spectrum produced by the solar simulator
Photovoltaic Solar Panel Produced Using Silicon Solar Cells
* Power control of the system of chambers and communication equipment
* Sensor control and electricity generation by home and commercial solar electric systems
Standard Electrolyte
Solar cell research laboratories
Transparent Titanium Dioxide Electrode
Solar cell research laboratories
- Chemicals
- Food Industry
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Medical Equipment
- Electronics
- Medicine & Health
- Power & Control Engineering
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Telecommunications
- Construction Industry
- Industrial Machinery
- Mining Industry
- Software & Information Technology
- Laboratory Equipment
- Game & Animation
- Polymers and Composites
- Metals and Ceramics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics