4-Axis Motorized Probe Station with Digital Microscope
* Micron injections
* Micron contacting
* Micron positioning and movement
* Fine movements under the microscope
* Testing of micro actuators and microchips
* Measurement of electrical parameters of electronic components, MEMS, NEMS and microfluidics.
4-Terminal Characterization Device (Specially for Transistors)
Transistor characterization and electrical characteristic curve drawing
Advanced Wet Etching Cell
* Automatic etching according to a specific time
* Fabrication of micro sensors
* Fabrication of nano and micro structures
* Fabrication of microfluidic, MEMS, Bio and microelectronic devices
Alignment Module with 5 Degrees of Freedom
Alignment of mask and substrate in the manufacture of MEMS, micro and nano devices, application in precise, metallurgical measurements, study and photography under the microscope
Asher Plasma Cleaning Device
* MEMS laboratories to eliminate residues of the lithography process
* Textile laboratories for making hydrophilic fabrics (of normal fabrics) by plasma gases such as nitrogen, oxygen
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
* Used in many studies, to write, manipulate and move individual xenon atoms, molecules, silicon and polymer surfaces.
* For all types of nanolithography and production of nanostructures and nanomachining
Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) – with Kit
As the most essential tool in nano projects, in addition to topography and imaging at the molecular and atomic scale, AFM has the ability to determine the physical, chemical, mechanical, electronic, and magnetic properties of materials at the nano scale. In addition, this device can take images in liquid environment and is widely used for pharmaceutical and food industries.
Automatic 7-Stage Wet Etching System
* Automatic etching according to time
* Fabrication of micro sensors
* Fabrication of nano and micro structures
* Fabrication of microfluidic, MEMS, Bio and microelectronic devices
* Production of dental implants according to production instructions in 7 etching steps
Automatic Fault Detection in Power Transmission Lines (AFTL) – Vira Label
Application of AFTL:
Application of Viral Label:
٭ Regional electric power companies
٭ Electric power distribution companies
٭ Power plants
٭ Gas company
٭ Electric power industry, regional electric power companies, electric power distribution companies and power plants
٭ Agriculture, horticulture and forestry
٭ Mining (extraction, exploitation and processing)
٭ Traffic control
٭ Face recognition
Bending and Rebending Testing Device
Bending and re-bending test of rebars and steel belts
Bone Tissue Engineering Bioreactor
To make hard tissues such as bone tissue with dimensions higher than one centimeter with the desired shape and in a uniform manner
Brittleness Temperature Testing Device
* The ability to perform tests for metals, bars and belts, all types of rubber, plastics and composites, industrial parts, etc.
* Ability to perform tensile, bending, compression, peeling, tear, relaxation, and creep tests
Cathodic Arc Vacuum Coating System
* Coating very hard layers, super hard layers and nano composite coatings including TiN, TiAlN, CrN, ZrN, AlCrTiN and TiAlSiN on tools in order to optimize their performance and life.
* Coating amorphous carbon diamond-like films by deposition of carbon ions
Coefficient of Friction TESTing Device (Cof)
Determining the appropriate static and kinetic friction coefficients for film samples and different materials
Complete Lithography Laboratory
* Industrial Laboratories
* Research Laboratories
Contact Angle and Surface Tension Measurement Device
Measurement of static contact angle, dynamic contact angle, surface tension and surface energy
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) – Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) Device
* The ability to create heat in the furnace, Measuring the temperature of the furnace and control it, Measuring the temperature of the sample, collecting and transferring data.
Dilatometer (Dil 101 HT, Dil 101 LT)
The dilatometer is often used in the research and development department to control the quality of solids, liquids, and powders and to determine the following:
* Linear thermal expansion (AL)
* Sintering temperature and sintering steps
* Determination of glass transition temperature (Tg)
* Phase changes
* Optimization of burning processes
* Determination of thermal expansion coefficient
* Volume changes
Direct Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (DC-PECVD)
* Layering of different materials for microfabrication in different forms including single crystals, polycrystals, amorphous and epitaxial growth structures.
* Abrasion and corrosion resistant coatings on tools, bearings and drills
* Carbon nanotubes
* Production of semiconductor devices
Ericsson Testing Device
* Deep drawing test in the behavior of metals by the Swift method (Cupping test) to study the depth of cupping and also the phenomenon of earring.
* Biaxial tensile test or Erickson›s expansion test to determine the limiting dome height (LDH) and draw Forming Limit Diagrams (FLD)
* Conducting Hot Forming test on different sheets
* Helping to design or more accurate calculations according to simulated work conditions
* Controlling the raw materials before production Research and development in the field of metal sheets
Fluid injection device with parallel water flooding capability at a temperature and pressure of at least 700 bar – with automatic data collection
Drilling and exploitation of oil industries
Gasoline or Diesel Engine Testing Device
Research on gasoline engine
Hall Effect and Surface Resistance Measurement System
* Measurement of sample mobility
* Density measurement of sample carriers
* Determining the type of material carriers
Hydraulic Axial Fatigue Testing Devices without Adaptive Control Capability – Including Extensometers, Thermal and Cooling Chambers, Load Cells, Jaws, Fixtures
* Performing dynamic hardness tests and performance tests
* Tensile, compressive and control tests
* Simulating movement mechanisms in parts
* Performing fatigue tests on various materials with a large number of wheels
* Testing steel, composite, non-ferrous, concrete, asphalt, spring, shock absorber, airplane and helicopter parts, cars, etc.
Hydraulic Rebar Tension Testing Device
Industrial labs
I-V Characteristic Tracer
* Characterization of various types of sensors, optical devices, solar cells, etc
* Drawing the voltage current curve
Ice and Surface Shear-Stress Measurement Device
* Determining the amount of ice adhesion to various metallic and non-metallic surfaces, paints, coatings, car and airplane bodies, satellite antennas, power transmission cables and other surfaces.
* Obtaining accurate shear-stress between ice and coating in different freezing modes and different temperature and environmental conditions
Langmuir Blodgett Molecular Deposition
* Making cells containing thin films for solar cells
* Fabrication of fuel cells membrane with uniform structure and thickness
* Layering of smart windows and mirrors with a certain thickness and uniformly
* Controlling the thickness and density of optical coatings
* Molecular layering in the construction of electronic sensors
* Layering in the production of biomaterials
* Production of medicinal substances with improved dissolution and dispersion properties
Laser Image Measuring Dimensions (LIMOD) Device
* Electric power industry (regional electric power companies, electric power distribution companies, power plants)
* Mapping
* Dam construction
* Construction
* Mining
Limited Production Line of Micron Scale Tools
* Manufacturing micron scale equipment and tools in limited quantities
* Manufacturing MEMS and nano sensors
* Manufacturing microelectronic components and circuits
* Implementing these components and circuits on the substrate
* Manufacturing microfluidic laboratory sets
Measuring stable or unstable two-phase relative permeability Liquid-liquid and Liquid-gas at High Temperature and Pressure and Automatic Data Collection
Measurement of rock permeability in stable and unstable states
Melt Flow Index (MFI) Device
Measuring the flow rate of molten material in a certain period of time
Melt Flow Index (MFI) Device
Determining the viscosity of polymeric materials and the percentage of MFI
Membrane Gas Separation and Permporometry Systems – (MGSPS)
* The feasiblity of membrane separation at different temperatures and pressures
* The feasibility of membrane separation and Permporometry
* Measuring the pore distribution of membrane surface
* Detecting large holes and cracks in the structure of the microporous membrane
- Construction Industry
- Industrial Machinery
- Mining Industry
- Software & Information Technology
- Laboratory Equipment
- Game & Animation
- Polymers and Composites
- Metals and Ceramics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics
- Chemicals
- Food Industry
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Medical Equipment
- Electronics
- Medicine & Health
- Power & Control Engineering
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Telecommunications