Founded: 2016
Polyisobutylene Succinimide Dispersant Additive – Used in Engine Oil
Dispersants include two heads: a polar head and a non-polar head (soluble in oil). The polar heads of the dispersants attack and surround the desired pollution and by forming a ring, they keep the pollution suspended in the oil and prevent it from connecting with the metal body of the engine.
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Telecommunications
- Construction Industry
- Industrial Machinery
- Mining Industry
- Software & Information Technology
- Laboratory Equipment
- Game & Animation
- Polymers and Composites
- Metals and Ceramics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics
- Chemicals
- Food Industry
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Medical Equipment
- Electronics
- Medicine & Health
- Power & Control Engineering