Broadcasting and Receiving Equipment
* 3XASI-STM1 converter:To transmit digital video signals
* Satellite audio decoder and Satellite card receiver with ASI output: Satellite signal reception and detection and analysis of a number of radio services
* Automatic ASI card switch: Provision of output signal from alternative routes in case of interruption of input signals
* Remultiplexer: Filtering and reamping the signals received by the organization
* DVB-T/T2 (DRD) receiver: Receiving the received signals and detecting the video signal
* MPEG-TS remultiplexer: Receiving signals from different sources and analyzing them
* IF Modulator / IF DeModulator: Receiving digital signals from television/communication equipment and processing them and performing QPSK modulation operations
FPGA-based Processing Card
Digital processes in various technological fields such as advanced telecommunication systems, network security systems, and image and sound processing systems.
Microwave Radio Link – with the Capacity of Transmitting Three TS Signals and the Capacity of STM-1 in the X Band
Signaling to digital television transmitters of Broadcasting organization
TV Transmitter Station Monitoring System and Telecommunication Equipment Monitoring System Equipped with SNMP Protocol
Controling and monitoring systems of television transmitter stations and telecommunication equipment
- Polymers and Composites
- Metals and Ceramics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics
- Chemicals
- Food Industry
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Medical Equipment
- Electronics
- Medicine & Health
- Power & Control Engineering
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Telecommunications
- Construction Industry
- Industrial Machinery
- Mining Industry
- Software & Information Technology
- Laboratory Equipment
- Game & Animation