Founded: 2008 – Website:
ELISA Diagnostic Kits Set
Diagnostic & Pathology laboratoriesKit Name In Serum: Evaluating the Levels of: Diagnosed Illness 25 – OH Vit D
VITAMIN D 96 ELISA KIT. IDEAL 25 – hydroxy vit D Osteoporosis, rickets, and osteomalacia TSH TSH 96 ELISA KIT.IDEAL, TSH 192 ELISA KIT.IDEAL TSH Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism Ferritin FERRITIN 96 ELISA KIT.IDEAL Ferritin Early diagnosis of iron-deficiency anemia in apparently healthy patients
PSA PSA 96 ELISA KIT.IDEAL PSA Benign, malign, and metastatic prostate tumors PRL PRL 96 ELISA KIT.IDEAL Prolactin Diagnosing hyperprolactinemia LH LH 96 ELISA KIT.IDEAL LH Diseases related to sexual glands, diagnosing precocious puberty in girls, and the Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) FSH FSH 96 ELISA KIT.IDEAL FSH Evaluating the balance and regulation of the menstrual cycle and fertility via the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Telecommunications
- Construction Industry
- Industrial Machinery
- Mining Industry
- Software & Information Technology
- Laboratory Equipment
- Game & Animation
- Polymers and Composites
- Metals and Ceramics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics
- Chemicals
- Food Industry
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Medical Equipment
- Electronics
- Medicine & Health
- Power & Control Engineering