Corrosion Inhibitor
Almost all organic molecules used as corrosion inhibitors in oil and gas are highly polar and mainly nitrogen-based (such as amines, amides, imidazolines and quaternary ammonium salts). Nitrogen-based organic inhibitors such as polyamidoamines and imidazolines and their salts have been successfully used in this type of applications. The mechanism of action of this type of material is their surface absorption on the metal surface and creation of an interface layer. The ability of these compounds to create cations causes their strong surface adsorption on negatively charged surfaces such as metals and turns hydrophilic surfaces into hydrophobic ones. With this action, cathodic and anodic reactions are prevented. This product is used to prevent corrosion in tubing and wellhead equipment of oil wells and oil and gas fluid transmission pipelines, transmission and process systems related to sour water (such as stripping towers), process equipment (such as the overhead of distillation towers in the oil and gas, refining and petrochemical industries, which have a high H2S content (25% or higher)).
DEMULSIFIERS or emulsion breakers are special Chemicals that play an important and strategic role in the separation of oil-related materials. These materials overcome the water-oil emulsion and lead to the separation of water from oil.
Inhibitor of Hydrate Formation
These products are kinetic inhibitors of gas hydrate formation and prevent the formation of clathrate hydrates in the cold seasons of the year (low temperature and high pressure) in gas transmission pipelines. In addition, it prevents gas and condensate transmission pipelines from being blocked, eliminates the risk of pipeline clogging by ice plugs, and thus ensures the stability of the production flow.
Simultaneous Inhibitor of the Formation of Calcium, Strontium and Barium Sediments Inside the Well and Oil Transfer Pipes
SCALE INHIBITOR is used to prevent the formation of calcium, barium and strontium sediments (carbonate and sulfate of these metals) etc. in oil wells and oil fluid transfer pipelines.
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