FCC and RFCC Units Catalysts


* Converting heavy and low-value oil fractions into valuable and light products

* Molecular breakdown reactions at low pressure

* Obtaining higher quality products

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) is the most basic cracking unit in large refineries for gasoline production. This process has undergone many changes. An important milestone in the history of this process was residue fluid catalytic cracking (RFCC). Today, about 20% of the feed of FCC units is atmospheric and vacuum distillation tower residues. Catalysts used in the FCC process are used to break or crack heavy hydrocarbon fractions into light products in the gasoline and diesel range. The important point is that FCC/RFCC catalysts account for the largest consumption of catalysts used in the related oil and gas industry, which is more than 13,000 tons per year. Commercial cracking catalysts include acid-treated natural aluminosilicates along with synthetic aluminosilicate catalysts called zeolites (NaY, USY, REY zeolites) as well as HZSM-5 zeolite, which are formulated with other components such as a natural matrix or binder (bentonite or kaolinite), strengthening agent (alumina), filler etc.

Technical Specifications:

Item Value Test Method
MAT conversion, %wt 75±3 ASTM D3907
Total SA, m2/g 260±30 ASTM D3663-99
Zeolite SA, m2/g 200±15
Zeolite Unit Cell Size, Angstrom 24.50
Pore Volume, cc/g 0.35 ±0.02
ABD, g/cc 0.70-0.80 ASTMD D4512-99
PSD, %wt ASTM D4464
0-20 microns <2
0-40 microns 12-15
APS, µm 70-80 ASTM D4464
Alumina Oxide, %wt (dry basis) 47-50 XRF
Sodium, %wt (dry basis) <0.3 ASTM D1977-98
Rare Earth Oxide, %wt (dry basis) 3.0-5.0 XRF
SO4, %wt (dry basis) 0.7±0.2
LOI, %wt <15
Attrition Index 5±2 ASTM D5757


* The activity level or conversion percentage of Grace catalyst is around 77 to 80 percent

* High production rate of gasoline and LPG with low tendency to produce low methane and ethane gases

* Good wear resistance

International Standards or Permission:

* ISO9001 TÜV NORD (Germany)

* ISO14001 TÜV NORD (Germany)

* ISO18001 TÜV NORD (Germany)

* NACI ISO17025



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