Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) – with Kit


As the most essential tool in nano projects, in addition to topography and imaging at the molecular and atomic scale, AFM has the ability to determine the physical, chemical, mechanical, electronic, and magnetic properties of materials at the nano scale. In addition, this device can take images in liquid environment and is widely used for pharmaceutical and food industries.

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Product Introduction:

Atomic force microscope (AFM) is a tool for observing samples with nanometer dimensions and examining their surface topography. In AFM, weak forces such as van der Waals forces and capillarity between the probe tip and the sample surface are used to form a topographic image of the sample surface. Therefore, there is no limit to examine the surface of the sample unlike scanning tunneling microscopes. Atomic force microscope is capable of imaging with atomic spatial resolution of conductive, non-conductive and even biological samples.

This microscope plays a significant role in the progress of various sciences including electronics, nanotechnology and materials science. Today, different commercial devices with similar basics and different working modes have been released, which differ from each other in terms of accuracy and image quality.

Technical Specifications:

XY Scanner ٭ Surface scanning range: 50 nm

٭ Surface displacement accuracy: 1 nm

Z Scanner ٭ Vertical displacement range: 4 nm

٭ Vertical displacement accuracy: 0.1 µm

XY Stage ٭ Type: Motorized Software-Controlled

٭ Surface displacement range: 15 mm

٭ Surface displacement accuracy: 40 nm

Z Stage ٭ Type: Auto Fast Approach

٭ Vertical displacement range: 15 mm

٭ Accuracy of vertical displacement: 40 nm

Sample dimensions ٭ Surface dimensions of the sample: diameter 2 cm

٭ Sample thickness: 1 cm

٭ Sample roughness in dimensions of fifty micrometers square:

less than 4 micrometers


* Working in vacuum unlike SEM and TEM (suitable for imaging live aerobic samples)

* No need for sample preparation unlike SEM and TEM

* Reasonable price and low energy consumption unlike SEM and TEM

* Wide range of applications

* No sample type restrictions unlike STM, TEM and SEM

* Appropriate laboratory size



This product is a final B2B equipment.

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