MO40 Steel Sheet


* Cement industry rollers

* Steel industry rollers

* Connecting rods (con-rods) of car axles

* Production of machinery

* Giant gears

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Mo40 or 17225 steel is a chromium molybdenum alloy steel. This product is widely used in the manufacture of industrial equipment that is under pressure or impact and high heat (such as beams, columns, gears, etc.). This steel belongs to the category of low carbon alloys and has tensile strength, very high hardness resistance and suitable corrosion properties.

In general, the main feature of chromium-molybdenum steel is heat resistance up to 500-600 degrees Celsius on the one hand and maintaining strength and abrasion resistance on the other hand; Also, among the other properties of this steel, we can mention its excellent weldability and suitable plasticity.

Technical Specifications:

* Heat resistance up to 500 to 600 degrees Celsius

* Resistant to abrasion

* Excellent welding ability

* Heat treatment capability

* Very good formability (plasticity)



This product is a final B2B consumer product.

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SKU: 10002 Category: 
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