Nickel-Based Super-Alloy Parts
Oil, gas and petrochemical industries, power generation, aerospace
Product Introduction:
This group of products includes alloying and manufacturing of nickel base alloy parts (Inconel625, Hastelloy B2, Hastelloy C276 and Monel 400):
* Inconel 625: In addition to being resistant to a wide range of corrosive materials, this alloy also has high mechanical resistance. Due to the high percentage of nickel in the composition of Inconel 625, this alloy is resistant to chloride stress corrosion – which is one of the most common types of corrosion in the oil and gas and petrochemical industries. Also, Inconel 625 shows very good resistance against pitting corrosion and crevice
corrosion. Due to the stability of the crystal structure of Inconel 625 at high temperature and the preservation of grain size after remelting, this alloy is a suitable option for applications where there is a need for a welding coating; This superiority makes the parts made of this alloy have good repairability.
* Hastelloy B2: A nickel-molybdenum alloy that exhibits unique resistance to corrosion in reduction environments – especially hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid environments. The low percentage of carbon in this alloy improves the properties of weldability, mechanical strength and proper corrosion resistance in the welding area. Also, the high percentage of molybdenum in Hastelloy B2 increases resistance to chloride stress corrosion.
* Hastelloy C276: The significant amount of chromium and nickel in the composition of Hastelloy C276 makes this super alloy have good corrosion resistance when faced with the combination of oxidizing and reducing acids. This alloy also shows a very good resistance against chloride crevice, pitting and stress corrosion.
* Monel 400: An alloy of nickel and copper that has excellent resistance to corrosion in sea water, natural salts and alkaline salts; Therefore, it is one of the main options in the construction of equipment that is in direct contact with sea water. Another advantage of Monel 400 is maintaining the mechanical resistance of this alloy in a wide range of temperatures from ultra-cold (cryogenic) to 550 degrees Celsius.
* High resistance to oxidation and corrosion
* High resistance to heat
Company | |
Type | This product is a final B2B consumer product. |
- Agriculture, Livestock, Poultry and Aquatics
- Chemicals
- Construction Industry
- Electronics
- Energy & Power Plant Industries
- Food Industry
- Game & Animation
- Industrial Machinery
- Laboratory Equipment
- Medical Equipment
- Medicine & Health
- Metals and Ceramics
- Mining Industry
- Oil, Gas & Petrochemical
- Paints, Resins & Polymer Adhesives
- Polymers and Composites
- Power & Control Engineering
- Software & Information Technology
- Telecommunications
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Aviation, marine and car manufacturing industries
Car manufacturing industries
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* CO2 trapping
* Removing carbon dioxide from chimney gas
* Natural gas purification and hydrogen purification
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* Construction of aerial structures
Aviation, marine and car manufacturing industries