Trimetal Bearings Using Bronze Powder Coating Process


* Rotary equipment

* Reciprocating compressors

* Modern diesel engines

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

This process is used for layering bronze powder on steel (iron) ST parts.

Trimetal bearings have three layers, two layers are metal and one layer is polymer material. In fact, this part has a structure similar to bimetal parts, and the difference is that in these materials, a teflon layer is also placed on the antiabrasion layer. In general, the layering process of bronze powder and polymer materials on trimetal bearings is to increase their abrasion resistance.

Technical knowledge in the field of producing trimetal bearings is related to how to put the bronze layer on the steel sheet and also prepare the appropriate metal powder. The production process of this product is such that at first the prepared ST iron materials are subjected to the necessary tests and controls and then they are cut into the required sizes; Next, the cut materials are washed and cleaned with special detergents until they are free of excess oils and waste.

Parallel to the cutting of ferrous materials, the production of bronze powder of the second layer of trimetal products is done by atomizing (vacuum atomizing) method and its separation is done by granulation. Then the materials prepared by the powdering machine are poured on the pre-prepared ST sheets and placed inside the sintering furnace and on the moving chain of the furnace. By moving the chain into the furnace, the sintering operation takes place. Methane and air are injected into this furnace. The purpose of injecting the above gases into the sintering furnace is to prevent the powder and raw materials from oxidizing. After the sintering operation, the parts are placed in the tefloning site and the first layer of PTFE material is sprayed on their powder layer. Then, the second layer of PTFE material is sprayed on the parts and then they go through a rolling process; After the rolling operation, the channel and oil pools are created by the molds designed on the internal parts; Then, by performing fine cutting, the product is ready for the rolling process and becomes a bush. In the next step, rolling is done for the bushings. Then beveling and fine-tuning the length of the bush pieces and engraving the technical number on the pieces for tracking, identification and packaging are done.

Technical Specifications:

* High fatigue strength compared to Babbitt bearings

* The ability to withstand high applied pressure

* High strength and high working temperature


Added value due to the high-tech knowledge for the production process



This product is a final B2B consumer product.

SKU: 10016 Category: 
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