Hard Coating Electrode – with Recycled Tungsten Carbide Particles


Used to surface hardening in industry and coating

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

This product is an oxyacetylene welding electrode. Its central core is made of nickel metal and its cover is made of tungsten carbide and NiCrSiB alloy.

Normally, companies and producers of this welding wire by purchasing tungsten carbide from the market and alloying the NiCrSiB compound and adding organic and inorganic binders to these compounds make a paste that can be coated on the electrode by extrusion method.

In addition to participating in the composition of the final composite, this coating should prevent rapid cooling of the welding area and cracking of the part. In addition, since this electrode must be slightly flexible, some plasticizer must also be added to the system so that the electrode coating does not crumble and does not undergo the so-called fall off situation with normal impacts during work.

Technical Specifications:

* The central core of nickel metal

* Tungsten carbide coating and NiCrSiB alloy



This product is a final B2B consumer product.

SKU: 10017 Category: 
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