Ceramic Blanket Produced with Fibers – Based on Silica, Magnesia and Calcium Oxide


* Steam boilers and thermal centers

* Insulation around the burners

* Lining hot surfaces of heat treatment furnaces

* Thermal sealing of the cover of heat treatment furnaces

* Casting nozzles cover

* Lining of cracking and reformer furnaces

* Insulation parts for bushes

* Ducts and roofs of absorption furnaces even in contact with melt, brake pads, etc.

* Sound insulation

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

The ceramic blanket is a refractory, insulated, and flexible product. The primary material of this product is bulk ceramic fibers, and the composition of the fibers of this blanket is magnesia and calcium oxide.

These ceramic blankets are produced by the centrifugal method and have high durability, longevity, and extraordinary tensile strength.

Due to the presence of porosity between the fibers, in addition to high thermal resistance, the ceramic blanket also has excellent sound absorption properties, so in many cases, this product can be used as sound insulation.

Technical Specifications:



Service temperature

1100 °C

Classification temperature

1200 °C


96, 128, 160 kg/m3

Fiber diameter

3-5 µm

Tensile strength

≥ 50 Kpa

Thermal conductivity

0.2-0.3 W/m. °k

Shot percentage

less than 30


* Creating added value due to the high-tech technical knowledge of the product

* The price is right

International Standards or Permission:

* ISO 9001

* ISO 14001



This product is a final B2B consumer product.

SKU: 10038 Category: 
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