2 KW Gas Micro-Turbine Simultaneous Generator of Electricity and Heat


Domestic heating and air conditioning, industrial, commercial, baking industries, greenhouse, etc

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

The need for electric energy in today’s society and according to the types of uses (domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural) is a growing need.

In order to provide energy to consumption points, electric energy must be produced in power plants and delivered to the consumer through transmission and super distribution lines, But if electrical energy can be produced at the place of consumption to supply a part of the network load, considerable savings will be made in all of the mentioned sectors. Microturbines have a rotation speed between 60,000 and 90,000 rpm, which cannot be compared with other power generation equipment.

Technical Specifications:

Thermal power

24-32 kW

Electrical power

1-2 kWh

Electrical efficiency


Simultaneous efficiency of

electricity and heat


Fuel type


* Correcting consumption during peak electricity consumption hours

* Cheap energy International Standards or Permissions: BS EN 50465-2015

International Standards or Permission:

BS EN 50465-2015



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 11019 Category: 
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