Fixed and Moving Gas Turbine Blades – Including (IGT25-TB1, IGT25-TB2, IGT25-TB3, IGT25-TB4, IGT25-TV1, IGT25-TV2 IGT25-TV3, IGT25-TV4, GEF5-TV1, GEF5-TV2, V93 0-TB1, V93.0-TB2, V93.0-TV1, V93.0-TV2 and V93.0-TV3)


* Moving large pumps inside oil and gas pipelines

* Providing the energy required by factories and special areas apart from the network

* Power generation of nationwide networks in the electricity industry

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

The basis of the operation of gas turbines is to receive and use the energy released from the combustion of gas caused by the combination of compressed air and fuel, and this whole process takes place in three separate phases but continuously inside each gas turbine. joins the event; Therefore, each gas turbine consists of three independent alternating parts, which include the air compressor unit (Gas Generator), the combustion chamber unit (Combustion chamber) and finally the power turbine unit (Power Turbine). The most important part in gas turbines, which has the task of converting thermal energy into mechanical energy, is its blades. In a gas turbine, a group of blades are fixed and another row, based on the design of the turbine, are rotating along with the rotating shaft, which are called fixed blades and moving blades, respectively. The offered products are in fact the fixed and moving blades cast in the gas turbine, which are designed and produced based on the precision casting process.

Technical Specifications:


792IN nickel-based super alloy Nickel-based super alloy made of NI939

Input temperature to the blade

From about 800 to 1215 degrees Celsius

Periodic visit

From 10,000 hours


The ability to withstand severe mechanical and thermal stresses due to the unique alloy



This product is a final B2B equipment.

Main Export Destinations

SKU: 11026 Category: 
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