Wind Turbine Tower


Converting wind kinetic energy into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

In wind turbines, the kinetic energy of the wind is converted into mechanical energy and then into electrical energy. Wind turbines can be combined with solar cells (photovoltaics) for optimal use and production of more power. Currently, the largest capacity of wind turbines installed in the past few decades has been of the type connected to the grid. The working steps of a turbine are completely opposite to the working steps of a fan. In the fan, electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy and causes the blade to rotate. In the turbine, the wind hits the blades and turns them. The rotation of the blades causes the rotation of the main axis. This axis is connected to an electric generator.

Currently, the task of building wind turbine towers in Mapna Group has been assigned to Sepahan Mapna Engineering and Equipment Manufacturing Company. This company is currently the only manufacturer of wind turbine towers with production capacity in the range of megawatt capacity in Iran.

Technical Specifications:


210 tons


Carbon steel


85 meters consisting of 5 segments


* Not needing a lot of land for installation

* No environmental pollution

* Lower current costs and long-term wind energy investment costs



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 11067 Category: 
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