EXHAUST System of Power Plants with Different Capacities


Transferring the exhaust gases of the turbine to a height higher than the turbocompressor and releasing it into the atmosphere

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

The main task of this equipment is to transfer the exhaust gases of the turbine to a height higher than the turbocompressor and release it into the atmosphere.

The exhaust gases of the turbine have a high temperature, and along this path, their temperature decreases and finally they enter the atmosphere with a low temperature. The intensity of the flow of current in this path causes abnormal sound. For this reason, in the middle of the path, it passes through a set of sound absorbers and the intensity of the sound frequency is reduced. The set of sound absorbers is called a silencer.



Steel and stainless steel

The temperature of the gases entering the exhaust

At least 400 degrees Celsius

The temperature of the gases exiting the exhaust

150 degrees Celsius



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 11096 Category: 
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