Thermal Desalination (MED-TVC)


Production of fresh water with high purity for industrial or drinking purposes

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

In general, the existing methods of preparing fresh water can be divided into two categories: thermal and membrane methods. Each of the mentioned methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and therefore, choosing the best water desalination method depends on the location, geographic conditions of the region, available energy, and other such factors. The MED-TVC multi-stage evaporator system is a system based on heat energy, which is classified as a thermal process in the classification of water desalinators. This system is the first and most important method of producing pure water from the sea, which works under vacuum, and the basis of its work is the condensation of vapors from sea water. In this system, which uses a thermocompressor to create a vacuum, two flow lines enter the system, one of which is related to the used steam and the other is the incoming impure water. This steam can be supplied in different ways, one of the most economical of which is the use of the waste heat from power plants.

Technical Specifications:

* Capacity: 50 to 30,000 cubic meters per day

* Maximum unit temperature: 65 degrees Celsius

* Vacuum: Above %95

* Incoming water solutes and minerals: More than 45,000 ppm


* Technology and design of BASKET FILTER filters with a very long life

* Technology and design of steam ejectors in one stage to provide full vacuum (more than %93)

* Thermocompressor technology and design with different SOURCES of steam pressure and with variable flow rates



This product is a final B2B equipment.

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