MED-TVC Water Desalinator


Power plant industries

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Considering the problems caused by the lack of water in different parts of the world, paying attention to alternative water sources and studying various methods in order to use water with suitable qualities for various purposes is increasing significantly.

Oceans and seas are huge sources of water in the world, which are practically impossible to use directly due to the high weight percentage of impurities. For this reason, various methods and equipment have been used all over the world to prepare fresh water from these sources. In general, the available methods of preparing fresh water can be divided into two categories: thermal and membrane methods. The MED-TVC multi-stage evaporator system is a system based on heat energy, which is placed in the category of thermal processes in the classification of water desalinators. This system is the first and most important method of producing pure water from the sea, which works under vacuum, and the basis of its work is the condensation of vapors from sea water. In this system, which uses a thermocompressor to create a vacuum, two flow lines enter the system, one of which is related to the used steam and the other is the incoming impure water. This steam can be produced in different ways, one of the most economical of which is the use of the waste heat from power plants.

Technical Specifications:

* Capacity: 7800 m3 a day

* Steam required by MED unit:

* Temperature of 385 degrees Celsius

* Pressure of 37 bar gauge

* Vacuum pressure: 888 mbar


* The possibility of using the thermal waste energy of power plants

* Evaporation at low temperatures (less than 70 degrees Celsius, due to working pressure conditions)

* High purity of produced water without influence from incoming water



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 11104 Category: 
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