Wastewater Treatment Using Advanced Oxidation Methods, Electrochemical Oxidation and Electrocoagulation on an Industrial Scale


Reduction of BOD and COD from all kinds of agricultural and industrial effluents

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Product Introduction:

Payam Avaran Fardanegar Nano Technology Company has developed new technologies in the field of industrial wastewater treatment based on advanced oxidation process (AOP). This technology is called Cavizone, which consists of the process of producing Nano ozone (Nano Ozone Generator), electrocoagulation (EC), electrochemical oxidation (EO) and the use of nano iron (NZVI). In the nano method, air bubbles or ozone gas on a nanometer scale are produced in water, which acts as a micro-coagulant with greater stability and durability and causes coagulation of pollutants. In the E and EC methods, the function is similar in the coagulation of pollutants, but this time it is done by electric current and causes the separation of pollutant ions or macromolecules such as the color in the wastewater and COD. With a special design and the use of appropriate combined methods, the treatment of wastewater from various industries including textile, petrochemical, polymer, food, etc., has been achieved with impressive results.

Technical Specifications:

Filtration capacity

25 litres per hour

Required power

550 W

Water purification efficiency

Higher than 95 %

Power distribution specifications

220 V AC

Operating temperature range

50-5 degrees Celsius


* Low energy consumption

* Minimal consumption of chemicals

* Reasonable operating cost

* Small occupied space International Standards or Permissions: Quality control test including COD and color

International Standards or Permission:

Quality control test including COD and color



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 11107 Category: 
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