Anti-Reflective Solar Cell Coating with High Efficiency


In power plants and more use of photovoltaic cells

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Fossil energy such as oil and coal are finite and non-renewable, but new energy is not. The sun is one of the important renewable sources of energy that can be used as a useful source of energy supply in most parts of the world. The country of Iran is located in a region which receives a lot of sunlight and studies show that the use of solar equipment in Iran is suitable and can meet part of the country’s energy needs.

Solar radiation can be converted into electrical energy using photovoltaic systems.

Photovoltaic solar cell is a system that converts solar energy into electrical energy based on the photovoltaic effect. Researchers in the field of solar cells are always looking for a way to reduce the cost of production and increase the efficiency of these cells. One of the ways is to prevent the loss of light entering the solar cell, and one of the ways to achieve this goal is to take advantage of the light scattering effect and increase the length of the travel path of incident rays and absorb more of it. In this product, the ability to increase light absorption and reduce reflection is used.

Technical Specifications:



Middle layer


Outer layer



* Selection of modern solar cells for higher efficiency

* The thickness suits the optical calculations

* Accurate spectrometry for transmission, absorption and reflection



This product is a final B2B consumer product.

SKU: 11115 Category: 
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