Catalytic Converter in Automotive Exhaust
These catalysts, which are installed as a set on the car, have the task of converting the pollutants coming out of the exhaust into less dangerous substances. Therefore, these catalysts are generally installed on passenger cars, heavy vehicles and motorcycles.
Product Introduction:
Generally, Catalytic Converters are made of silicon carbide (rarely) or aluminum oxide and silica; Inside the catalyst, precious metals have been coated and increased the price of the catalyst.
Automotive catalysts are mainly installed in two ways: UNDER BODY at a distance of 1 to 1.5 meters from the engine or CLOSE COUPLED with direct connection to the exhaust manifold. In the second case, the pressure, temperature, and abrasion are higher, and as a result, the stress on the part is higher. On the other hand, placing the monolith and mat inside the shell (canning) can be done as a clam shell (opening the shell and placing the catalyst and welding) or hard stuff (the monolith is inserted into the shell through a funnel).
Technical Specifications:
The core of the catalytic converters of all domestically produced cars made by this company is made of ceramic material. Metal core is used for motorcycles and expensive foreign cars. The coating, which is prepared in the operation and is also called washcoat, includes basic, enhancing and stabilizing materials, as well as catalyst metal salts, which are from the group of precious metals: palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt) and rhodium (Rh), which are known as PGM metals. In the production process, washcoat materials are first produced based on specific formulations, including base materials, enhancers, stabilizers, and precious metals. Then the pulsed laser deposition of the washcoat material on the core (monolith) is done through the suction or blowing process by air pumps, and after the drying and calcination process, the coated monolith is placed in a thermal-mechanical insulator and then covered with metal. Therefore, this product or catalyst is very effective in reducing air pollution. The triple catalytic converter performs the following three tasks:
a) reduction of nitrogen oxides to oxygen and nitrogen through the reaction: NOx → xO2 + N2
b) Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide through the reaction: CO + 2/1O2 → CO
c) Oxidation of unburned hydrocarbons and their conversion into carbon
dioxide and water through the reaction: CxH2x+2 + [(3x+1)/2] O2 → xCO2 + (x+1)H2O
High quality at a competitive price
International Standards or Permission:
* Car converter catalyst test analysis (LIGHT-OFF), measurement of oxygen storage capacity (OSC), XRF, ICP-OES, gravimetry, BET MULTI POINT (BJH), H2-TPR, TPO, NH3-TPD and CO CHEMISORPTION have been performed.
* The company‘s products are based on Euro 4 and 5 standards.
Company | |
Type | This product is a final B2B consumer product. |
Main Export Destinations |