Green Rubber Process Oil in Three Grades Gr-15, Gr-20, Gr-40


This oil is used in the tire production process.

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

In the tire and rubber industry, process oils are used to create rolling resistance, thermal resistance, and ease of processability. These oils were usually the output of the process units of oil factories and the result of purification by furfurals, whose polyaromatic content is very high and causes cancer. With the establishment of new standards, the amount of polyaromatic compounds in these oils should reach below 3 ppm. The product is an oil cut whose polyaromatic compounds are below 10 ppm (about 7 ppm).

Technical Specifications:

In the production of this product, the focus is on the selectivity and separation of polycyclic compounds based on the molecular structure of the feed. Due to the fact that the process is completely selective and the feed is selected as lube cut, which has the appropriate molecular composition and basic structure, it is possible to obtain a suitable product with the desired properties only by separating the desired compounds and not involving other useful molecules in the oil. There are also aromatic, paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbon compounds in the structure of lube cut. In the solvent extraction process, it is tried to separate all aromatics affected by the liquid-liquid extraction method from the paraffin tissue according to the type of solvent. By changing the physical parameters such as temperature or the ratio of solvent to feed, selectivity conditions can be improved. The properties of one of the company›s

product grades are mentioned below:

Viscosity @100°c 40C.St
Viscosity @40°c 1400C.St
A.P 120°C
F.P.T 170°C
DN @15°c 0.97gr/cm3
PCA 0.3% >


* High production volume

* Reasonable price

International Standards or Permission:

Test type Test method Test type Test method
Viscosity ASTM-D445 Elemental analysis ASTM D-7740
Viscosity index ASTM- D2270 TBN, TAN ASTM D-664
Density ASTM D-1298 Flash point ASTM D-92
Ash content ASTM D-482 Aniline point ASTM D-611
PONA hydrocarbon content ASTM D3238 Light’s refraction ASTM D-1747


This product is a final B2B consumer product.

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SKU: 12021 Category: 
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