Boric Acid with 99.6% Purity


* The best absorber for free neutrons in nuclear reactors

* To produce disinfectant solutions, sterile eye drops and ear drops in medicine

* Used in glazing and plating industry

* Used in the production of Insulation For Glass (IFG) and Reinforced Glass (RFG)

* In the production of insecticides to control cockroaches, termites, fleas, fire ants

* Melting agent in the welding industry

* In the jewelry and leather industry

* Liquid crystal glass in the flat screen

* Important application in the production of antifreeze

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Boric acid has the molecular formula H3BO3, which is sometimes written as B(OH)3. This substance is a weak mineral acid soluble in water and is usually found in two forms of crystals or completely colorless crystals or in the form of white powder. Boric acid is produced in two industrial and analytical grades with different purity percentages for various applications. Its analytical grade has more than 99.5% purity.

Technical Specifications:

In the general method, sulfuric acid is used to produce boric acid. When using sulfuric acid, due to the fact that the minerals used contain magnesium and calcium, magnesium sulfate and calcium sulfate will be precipitated or dissolved as impurities with boric acid, and they will be with boric acid during the crystallization stage. But this company has used hydrogen peroxide to produce boric acid with higher purity. The purity of the final product is 99.5%.


* High purity

* High quality

* Reasonable price



This product is a final B2B consumer product.

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