Fluorescein Dye


One of the most important uses of fluorescein is its use in angiography by direct injection and then photography. Fluorescein with industrial purity is used as a dye in antifreeze and to indicate the movement of underground water.

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

The dye fluorescein is obtained from the 2 to 1 reaction of resorcinol and phthalic anhydride. The resulting dye is fluorescent and is a red powder. The purity of the product is at the industrial level and it is not used for medicinal applications.

Technical Specifications:

The materials provided are fluorescent and are crushed and micronized using a mixer crusher and packaged. Color stability and dyeing behavior tests have been performed and FTIR and UV-Vis spectra have also been obtained. Reflectance spectroscopy, dye material stability and suitable color tests have also been done on the product.


* Appropriate purity along

* The possibility of supplying a large volume of requested materials as well as competitive prices in the regional market due to the high prices of transportation from China to the countries of the region.



This product is a final B2B customer product.

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