Warm Thermoplastic Traffic Paint


It is used to draw lines or make marks on the asphalt.

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Warm paint or thermoplastic materials are materials that are prepared in the form of granules and powder. Thermoplastic materials become molten and fluid when heated and are applied to the road surface using appropriate manual or mechanical methods, and after cooling, they become a continuous and sticky film on the surface. In other words, hot thermoplastic paint is a solid material consisting of pigment, extender, resin and glass beads that is applied on the surface after melting. Warm paint can provide more durability and a longer service life against environmental factors such as traffic volume, pavement surface roughness, and environmental erosion. Among the advantages of this product compared to other products based on thermoplastic resins, we can mention the possibility of forming a film with a high thickness, a much longer lifespan and a much shorter drying time. Warm paint is usually applied by pressure spray, machine acrylic (under weight) and extrusion methods and with a thickness between 1500 microns and 3000 microns on the pavement surface (using small, manual or automatic and

large equipment). Usually, glass beads (pre-mixed and disintegrating) are used in drawing with warm color in order to create the ability to reflect light and make the drawing visible at night

Technical Specifications:

The company’s product is a colored resin that has thermoplastic properties and can be used as a traffic color on asphalt. These colors should reflect light and be able to clearly identify road signs and directions for drivers at night. Its other uses are for location signs and sending messages to vehicles along the passage instead of installing roadside signs.


Durability and high strength

International Standards or Permission:

The necessary tests were carried out in the company under ISIRI standard 3757.

Main Export Destinations

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This product is a final B2B customer product.

SKU: 13012 Category: 
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