Corrosion Resistant Electrostatic Powder Paint


* the refrigerator and washing machine

* ice equipment

* minum facade of the store building

* ve and water heater

* al profiles, etc.

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Corrosion is a natural process that transforms pure metal into a more stable oxide or hydroxide form and imposes huge costs on various industries every year. This process of gradual destruction of materials (usually metals) occurs through their chemical reaction with the surrounding environment and causes the degradation of the effective properties of materials including strength, appearance and permeability to liquids and gases. Depending on the type of metal and its surrounding environment, corrosion-resistant coatings reduce the rate of corrosion. The addition of nanoparticles to coatings improves corrosion resistance through different mechanisms, depending on the type of nanoparticle.

Preventing permeability, forming a passive layer, activating inhibition mechanisms, etc. are among these mechanisms. This product is in the group of electrostatic powder paints, which is highly resistant to corrosive atmospheric conditions in the urban environment, as well as impact and physical damage. Flexibility, adhesion and proper hardness are other characteristics of it.

Technical Specifications:

Resin base Polyester/Hybrid
Spray to base distance 25 ± 5 cm
Packaging 20 kg


* Excellent surface adhesion

* High resistance to impact, bending and scratching

* High resistance to chemicals

International Standards or Permission:

* Patent certificate of Iran, Switzerland and Canada



This product is a final B2B customer product.

SKU: 13016 Category: 
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