Epoxy Stone Glue Containing Nano-Silica under the Megastone Brand


This glue is used for gluing all kinds of decorative stones and concrete parts in large-scale recreational and commercial places.

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

This product is a kind of epoxy glue, especially for gluing all types of hardened concrete. This glue has two components and is suitable for creating glue in wet environments and damp concrete surfaces.

Technical Specifications:

Due to the use of this glue to attach load-bearing parts, there are strict standards to confirm its use. To achieve the desired properties, the company has used nano silica additive in the product, which has improved the glue

properties. Some of these properties are mentioned below: Gel time (in the case of this product, it must be at least 30 minutes), compressive strength (in the case of this product, at least 70 MPa), compressive modulus (in the case of this product, at least 1400 MPa)


* Competitive price

* Passing strict standards

* Useful in large projects in Iran



This product is a final B2B customer product.

SKU: 13056 Category: 
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