Ultrasonic Transducer


Identifiying and diagnosing the surface and internal defects, determining the properties and thickness measurement of parts and products in medical industries and fields

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Today, the use of ultrasonic waves in various fields such as non-destructive testing of sensitive industrial parts, ultrasonic washing and cleaning, water and gas flow detection, industrial welding and machining, as well as the diagnosis of internal defects of the human body (sonography) and etc. is prevalent. In the field of material testing, ultrasonic testing of industrial products and parts is considered the most widely used non-destructive testing method, which is used to identify and diagnose surface and internal defects, determine the properties and thickness measurement of sensitive industrial parts and products without destroying them.

In this test, ultrasonic waves in the range of 0.5 – 25 MHz are sent into the part under test, and after hitting the defects and discontinuities inside the part, they are reflected and returned. Then, the received waves are processed to identify possible defects and discontinuities. This method of identifying internal discontinuities is also known as industrial ultrasound. Meanwhile, ultrasonic probes, as the heart of ultrasonic testing devices and systems, are one of the most important components responsible for sending and receiving ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic test probes have various types that are made according to the application and the frequency range used.

Technical Specifications:

Operating temperature Sensor frequency Piezo crystal dimensions
-10 to +70 °C 0.1 – 10 MHz 4 – 40 mm


* Design and manufacturing technology of noise suppression module in adjacent frequencies

* The design and manufacturing technology of the matching circuit for the maximum power coupling of the sensor to the receiver

* Designing and manufacturing technology of matching layer for maximum power coupling to the part under test

* The technology of designing and manufacturing the sensor body based on the piezo type without limiting its signal power

International Standards or Permission:

BS EN 12668



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 16060 Category: 
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