Designing and Manufacturing Integrated Circuits


* automotive chips: providing board power supply and voltage amplification in car boards

* Telecommunication transmitter-receiver chips: sending data in land and sea radar systems

* Low-noise amplifier chips: increasing the sensitivity of the receiver and reducing the noise effect of other receiver blocks of radars, mobile phones, etc.

* Power amplifier chips: amplifying the signal sent in radars, wireless radios, etc.

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Product Introduction:

Automotive chips: Automotive chips are used in various parts of the car.

Among automotive products, we can mention the regulator and op-amp, which are necessary in all the electronic circuits of the car. Also, in order to establish communication between different parts of the car and the central controller, a transmitter and receiver are needed so that the information can be transmitted without being corrupted. The company provides several car transceiver chips in this field. In addition to those radars, FMCW is also one of the chips that will be produced in the company soon. All the manufactured car chips comply with the different car standards of the world.

Telecommunication transmitter-receiver chips: Telecommunication chips form the core of long-distance and microwave telecommunication systems and are used to direct the sending or receiving path. These chips are used in frequencies from 2 GHz to 40 GHz (including Ka, Ku, X, C, S frequency bands) and according to the use of the case, they have different parts, the most important of which are low-noise amplifier, phase changer, and attenuator.

Low-noise amplifier chips: These chips are a vital part of wireless telecommunication receivers and telecommunication signals enter them after the antenna. In fact, the sensitivity of the receiver is determined by this chip. These chips are used in frequencies from 2 GHz to 40 GHz (including Ka, Ku, X, C, S frequency bands).

Power amplifier chips: These chips are a vital part of telecommunication transmitters and telecommunication signals are amplified by them before entering the antenna. In fact, the range of the transmitter is determined by this chip. These chips are used in frequencies from 2 GHz to 40 GHz (including Ka, Ku, X, C, S frequency bands.)

Technical Specifications:

automotive chip
Distance measurement accuracy Noise Output power Output voltage Input voltage
20 cm 15db 13dbm 5V 5-27V
Telecommunication transmitter-receiver chips
power efficiency Noise Ouput power Output Voltage frequency
12db 8db 30m W 5V 8-10 GHz
Low noise amplifier chips
Power efficiency Noise Power limiter power frequency
21db 2.3db 2W 5V 28-38GHz
Power amplifier chips
Current consumption Output power power frequency
1.2 A 10W 7V 6-18GHz


Chips cannot be copied

International Standards or Permission:

Automotive chip:

* ISO 26262

* ISO 7637

* ISO 17987

* ISO 11898

* AEC-Q100



This product is a final B2B equipment.

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