Fault Recorder Device and Event Recorder of Transmission Substations and Distribution Substations


* Used for monitoring and troubleshooting the operation of protection and control equipment of production, transmission and distribution grids of electricity, oil, gas and petrochemical steel and iron

* Management and planning of maintenance and repairs of equipment related to the protection and control of the aforementioned networks

* Observing and supervising the performance of protection and control equipment in dispatching centers

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

Event recording system: The Event Recorder system made by Pardisan Engineering Company was designed and produced in order to collect, record and store and display of information, change the state of digital parameters by accurately recording the time of their occurrence for the substations of the power distribution and transmission substations. Fast processing of information and displaying the list of sequence of events by this system is an effective tool for investigating events and analyzing them. The analysis of incidents that occurred in the substation is done more accurately and quickly with the help of this device, and therefore, the maintenance and support operations and the repair of its equipment are done better and with less time and cost.

Fault recording system: Fault recorder system made by Pardisan Computer Engineering Company is designed and produced to receive, store and display the information of the faults that have occurred to the country’s electricity transmission and distribution substations lines. This system is able to prepare various reports based on user requests along with displaying and creating a database of current values of input parameters. It is also possible to create reports and display them remotely.

The architecture of this system is modular and it is possible to easily decrease or increase the number of input channels. We have tried to utilise the latest hardware and software technical knowledge and take advantage of the available and accessible facilities to produce this system so as not to create any special dependence.

Technical Specifications:

* Fault recorder:

• Adjustable sampling frequency in the range of 0.8 to 12.8 kHz

• Based on Windows operating system

• Menu Driven feature

* Event recorder:

• Each module (digital input card) has 60 input channels

• Has the capacity to increase up to 960 channels

• Accuracy of reading each input channel with a time of 1 millisecond


* Redundancy feature with the available substation equipment

* Expandability according to the removal or installation of new equipment in the substation

International Standards or Permission:

* Type Test Certificate from EPIL

* IEC 68

* IEC 255

* ANSI/IEEE C37.90.1

* IEC 1000



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 17020 Category: 
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