Remote or Communication Device – with a Remote Radio Transmitter


The possibility of creating radio communication on network platforms, optical fiber, twisted pair, E1, etc., and remoting analog and digital walkie-talkies in various industries

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Product Introduction:

Since the use of radios causes problems such as their destructive effects on the user, discovery by the enemy, sending jamming, eavesdropping operations, and the possibility of discovering the direction and distance by the enemy, a device called remote is used. The device is placed at a distance from the radio and can control the radio from this distance and carry out the task of voice and data transmission. In this situation, by discovering the radio signal, the exact location of the radio user is not revealed; Also, the user of the radio receives less radiation than when he is in close proximity to the radio.

Technical Specifications:

* Software applications: Altium Designer, IAR

* Data transfer rate: 300-9600-19200-56 Kbps

* Power supply: (180V_260V) AC – (10V_36V) DC


* Using ISDN technology to move the radio away from the panel by shielded twisted pair cables

* Use of Fiber Optic technology

* Implementation of Codec ADM in the software

International Standards or Permission:

IEEE 802.3



This product is a final B2B equipment.

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