Lapping Machine


Veloshop units related to the repair of valves and machinery related to the repair of rotating equipment such as turbines, pumps and compressors

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

To prevent fluid leakage in oil and gas industry pipe fittings and fittings in industrial valves of oil, gas, petrochemical, power plant and atomic energy, there is a need for high level smoothness between flanges, connections and sealing surfaces. Therefore, the finishing of these surfaces is of particular importance in terms of safety and economy. Lapping, which is part of the chipping processes in micrometer layers, is used as the final machining process or lapping to create the desired quality. Lapping is a chipping method in which an abrasive stone is rotating at a low speed and at the same time is pressed to the surface of the workpiece with low pressure, and between the surface of the stone and the surface of the workpiece, slurry of abrasive materials is charged. With this process, it is possible to remove the parts that have already been chipped for a final finish of 10 microns and obtain a highly polished surface.

Technical Specifications:

Device model IMI-LM400
Plate diameter 380 mm
Diameter and number of rims 3 rims with an inner diameter of 145 mm
Dimensions ٭ Length: 700 mm

٭ Width: 700 mm

٭ Height: 500 mm

Total weight 75 kg without pressure system


* Warranty and after-sales service

* Using quick connection modular chassis

* The ability to quickly install and replace the screen

* Fully dynamic and straightforward user interface



This product is a final B2B equipment.

SKU: 19017 Category: 
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