IFA Realtime Animation Engine


Animation producers on the Unreal engine platform

Certified ByTrust

Product Introduction:

This product is developed based on Unreal4 game and animation engine, which is an open source engine; Also, it is made of various tools for the purpose of transferring 3D models and characters, and it consists of 3D design environments such as Autodesk 4D for real-time rendering environment process.

The animation production tool has been used with a realtime game engine.

Technical Specifications:

Python, Java and Max Script have been developed. The architecture of the engine is based on the paradigm, Java with third party languages, the tools inside the engine are written in C++ language and object-oriented tools and the application features are designed and implemented in a component-oriented manner. The product development process was based on agile methodology.


Using real-time rendering technology



This product is an AR/VR game or animation service.

SKU: 15012 Category: 
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